My company, Solutions2Share, was sponsoring the event, so I didn't depend on train since I drove with my colleagues on Friday to Bremen. It was a nice and long trip which took more than 6 hrs. from Nuremberg to Bremen.

Saturday started early. We got to Schuppen 1, the event location, at 7:30 a.m. to set up our exhibition stand. I didn't know that Schuppen 1 was a vintage car gallery :) It means that the SharePoint Saturday Bremen was held in a gallery. Fascinating… I've never experienced this in a SPS before.

Although the event was free, the attendees benefited from a very good organization. Thanks to all sponsors which made it possible. This is how the location looked:

The keynote started at 9 a.m. and was very inspiring. Mike Fitzmaurice taught us the Swedish word Lagom which means something like enough. The context was: Use things that are already there, instead of building your own solutions. Immediately instead of perfection!!!

After the keynote, I attended three other sessions. Below you find a short summary of my notes during the sessions:

• Toni Pohl - Dive into the power of the Microsoft Graph:
- Getting started with MS Graph:
- Use batch to combine multiple requests in one call
- Project Rome:
- SDK samples:

• Vesa Juvonen - Latest on SharePoint Development from Product Group - Patterns, Models, Roadmap:  
- MSDN will be replaced
- All PnP content is under MIT license. Just use it!!!
- Groupify API
- SharePoint Online roadmap
- SharePoint 2019 has expected release in 2018
- Live demo using Azure Functions and Flow

• Martina Grom - Implement best practices with Office 365 groups:
- Security group
- Naming convention
- Expiration policy
- Groupify Yammer
- Advantages of Azure AD Premium 1
- Live demo using Powershell

I spent the rest of the day with networking and helping my company in sales. We had nice conversations with partners and potential customers. In my opinion, the event was well done and the community feeling was present. Unfortunately, I couldn't join the Sharepint organized by Rencore since I had an appointment later that day. Thanks again to all sponsors and event organizers who made this event a success.