Showing posts from 2021 Show all
Graph API News: API to list all Microsoft Teams in a tenant is now available

Graph API News: API to list all Microsoft Teams in a tenant is now available

So far, to list all Microsoft Teams teams in an organization programmatically, you had to work with the groups API…

Upgrade from classic authentication experience in Azure Functions

Upgrade from classic authentication experience in Azure Functions

The classic Authentication / Authorization experience in Azure Function apps will be removed from the Microsoft Az…

Graph API News: API to add members in bulk to a team reached GA

As an active consumer of Microsoft Graph endpoints in the solutions I manage, I’m always happy when beta endpoints…

The Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB security flaw and the impact on customers

On August 12, 2021, the cyber security researcher Wiz reported to Microsoft a vulnerability in Microsoft Azure Cos…

Awarded the Microsoft MVP in Office Development - 2021/2022

Awarded the Microsoft MVP in Office Development - 2021/2022

The doorbell rang and someone from my family opened it. I knew the postman was supposed to deliver something speci…

Graph API News: Tag support in Microsoft Graph APIs

Graph API News: Tag support in Microsoft Graph APIs

The Microsoft Graph Teams team has just released new API support for interacting with tags in a team. Developers c…

Speaking at Beetroot webinar about Employee Onboarding in the Digital Age

Speaking at Beetroot webinar about Employee Onboarding in the Digital Age

I'm looking forward to speaking at Beetroot AG webinar on April 21st, 2021. Since the administration of Covid-…

Speaking at HIRSCHTEC webinar about onboarding process in times of social distancing - Recap

Speaking at HIRSCHTEC webinar about onboarding process in times of social distancing - Recap

Last week I held another webinar about onboarding experience in times of social distancing. The more I reflect on …

Speaking at SharePoint Klubi about Employee Onboarding in the Digital Era

Speaking at SharePoint Klubi about Employee Onboarding in the Digital Era

Odotan innolla SharePoint Klubissa puhumista 💛 I'm looking forward to speaking at SharePoint Klubi on Februar…

Speaking at I4-YOU webinar about Employee Onboarding in the Digital Age

Speaking at I4-YOU webinar about Employee Onboarding in the Digital Age

I'm looking forward to speaking at I4-YOU webinar on February 10th, 2021. I4-YOU is a consultancy company from…

Webinar: H2H approach to leadership and employee experience

Webinar: H2H approach to leadership and employee experience

In times of social disconnection, it becomes apparent how important leadership skills are for the wellbeing and a …

Support for channel moderation in Microsoft Graph

Support for channel moderation in Microsoft Graph

Microsoft release recently support for channel moderation via Microsoft Graph Teams APIs. This allows administrato…